Saturday, September 13, 2008
14th Youth Science Conference
Today, I am delighted that my SMP group manage to get a Merit award. After spending 6-8 months of attachment in NYP, I learnt a lot from my mentor. The following are the ways she showed her care and guidance.
"To begin with the isolation, our mentor gave us lessons on the isolation of active compound. She guided us along the process and tried her best to help us understand the project better. Meanwhile, she explains the steps and purpose of each process in details. In the same way, she told us to observe safety rules and she demonstrates the usage of the HPLC and other machines before we try out. She frequently reminds us to ask her questions whenever we do not understand and she will try her best to answer the questions. Thanks to her guidance, help and support we had a meaningful experience in learning about the practice and processes of science.
Our mentor made the effort to read our 'O' Level Chemistry textbook to further understand our standards and limits. She would then simplify the topics that are related to the isolation we are doing. She will patiently teach us from the foundation although our school had yet touch on the topics. She printed notes on the usage of HPLC machines and the different methods of chromatography for us to read up. She told us to do researches whenever we are keen to know more about any part of the process.
Our mentor planned her schedule with us and tried to help us balance our time with both our CCAs and SMP. She would inform us when she will have important meetings or any event that will occupy her. Whenever it is near the lunch hour, she would advise us to have our lunch before continuing. For character development, she shared her experience when she was in our age. Advising us to balance our work and play so that we will not get too stress as she used to work and play very hard. “Every one of us is born to be special. We must not envy what others have but to cherish what we have now.” This enlightens us to see the glass of water half full rather than half empty.
Our mentor is most valued for approachable and lovely. During the days in her laboratory, we had been showered with care and love. She treats all of her students like her own children and put in all her efforts to let us soar to greater heights, both in academic and character. After this year’s SMP, she allow us to come back to assist her. She had built up a strong bondage with us as a mentor and as a friend."
Hereby, I want to thank Mrs Choy for foreseeing our potential in science and encourage us to work towards our future. Mrs Choy helps to counsel me during my difficult times in coping my commitments and teasing. I felt sorry that I did not manage to get her the but our group know that she had put in a lot of effort and time in us. I would express my gratitude to Mrs Choy. I now give my blessings to the next batch of SMP group that are going to represent our school. "Talent Search" is on and those who are interested, please find Mrs Choy. Last but not least, this time please put in all your "English Composition Skills" and let Mrs Choy get her rightful award.
-Award Saddist...
Lost and Killed... 6:44 am
Monday, August 04, 2008
关于如何做人的思想及其价值 《论语》作为一部涉及人类生活诸多方面的儒家经典著作,许多篇章谈到做人的问题,这对当代人具有借鉴意义。 其一,做人要正直磊落。孔子认为:“人之生也直,罔之生也幸而免。”(《雍也》)在孔子看来,一个人要正直,只有正直才能光明磊落。然而我们的生活中不正直的人也能生存,但那只是靠侥幸而避免了灾祸。按事物发展的逻辑推理,这种靠侥幸避免灾祸的人迟早要跌跟斗。 其二,做人要重视“仁德”。这是孔子在做人问题上强调最多的问题之一。在孔子看来,仁德是做人的根本,是处于第一位的。孔子说:“弟子入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则以学文。”(《学而》)又曰:“人而不仁,如礼何?人而不仁,如乐何?”(《八佾》)这说明只有在仁德的基础上做学问、学礼乐才有意义。孔子还认为,只有仁德的人才能无私地对待别人,才能得到人们的称颂。子曰:“唯仁者能好人,能恶人。”(《里仁》)“齐景公有马千驷,死之日,民无德而称焉。伯夷、叔齐饿死于首阳之下,民到于今称之。”(《季氏》)充分说明仁德的价值和力量。 那么怎样才能算仁呢?颜渊问仁,子曰:“克己复礼为仁。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。”(《颜渊》)也就是说,只有克制自己,让言行符合礼就是仁德了。一旦做到言行符合礼,天下的人就会赞许你为仁人了。可见“仁”不是先天就有的,而是后天“修身”、“克己”的结果。当然孔子还提出仁德的外在标准,这就是“刚、毅、木、讷近仁。”(《子路》)即刚强、果断、质朴、语言谦虚的人接近于仁德。同时他还提出实践仁德的五项标准,即:“恭、宽、信、敏、惠”(《阳货》)。即恭谨、宽厚、信实、勤敏、慈惠。他说,对人恭谨就不会招致侮辱,待人宽厚就会得到大家拥护,交往信实别人就会信任,做事勤敏就会取得成功,给人慈惠就能够很好使唤民众。孔子说能实行这五种美德者,就可算是仁了。 当然,在孔子看来要想完全达到仁是极不容易的。所以他教人追求仁德的方法,那就是“博学于文,约之以礼,亦可以弗畔矣夫!”(《颜渊》)即广泛地学习文化典籍,用礼约束自己的行为,这样就可以不背离正道了。同时也要重视向仁德的人学习,用仁德的人来帮助培养仁德。而仁德的人应该是自己站得住,也使别人站得住,自己希望达到也帮助别人达到,凡事能推己及人的人。即:“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人,能近取譬,可谓仁之方也已。”(《雍也》) 其三,做人要重视修养的全面发展。曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”(《学而》)即:我每天都要再三反省自己:帮助别人办事是否尽心竭力了呢?与朋友交往是否讲信用了?老师传授的学业是否温习了呢?强调从自身出发修养品德的重要性。在此基础上,孔子强调做人还要重视全面发展。子曰:“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺。”(《述而》)即:志向在于道,根据在于德,凭籍在于仁,活动在于六艺(礼、乐、射、御、书、数),只有这样才能真正地做人。那么孔子为什么强调做人要全面发展呢?这里体现了孔子对人的社会性的认识,以及个人修养的相互制约作用,他说:“举于诗,立于礼,成于乐。”(《泰伯》)即:诗歌可以振奋人的精神,礼节可以坚定人的情操,音乐可以促进人们事业的成功。所以,对于个人修养来说,全面发展显得极为重要。
Lost and Killed... 8:07 am
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My birthday is coming so do the common test...Ah so stress....! I wish to celebrate with everyone...I will like to share my joy and laughter....HaHa! All these are ruined by the coming common test two....Haiz..... Everyone now studying like siao.....No one celebrate with me le... The most they say happy birthday, shake your hands than thats all.....
-Birthday Saddist...
Lost and Killed... 2:22 am
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Lost and Killed... 7:14 am
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Presbyterian High School Chinese Orchestra Future Plans
I have been working on the PHSCO future since 4th June 2008. I have been planning on the Attendance, Scores, Storage, Arrangement, Stock, Label, Rules and Alumni. I wish to present this proposal as my farewell gift for all the PHSCO seniors. They may not accept this present but I did my best in paving the CO's future. I hope that the seniors of PHSCO will be willing to help out with the proposal to make it a success. I am working on this till now and would like to complete it and announce to the seniors on 10th June 2008. On 10th June 2008 the whole CO will get to know briefly what is in the proposal. Further notice and the progress of it will be put up here. I wish that the whole CO will give the new ExCO your support and your ideas to make PHSCO meet the idiom "不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。"
-PHSCO Saddist...
Lost and Killed... 6:48 am
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sungei Buloh Trip
Today I will be going to Sungei Buloh WetLand Reserve, I will get to see alot of flora and fauna which are fascinating and vibrant. I had done my research and a self-made checklist. I found a checklist for birds that can be found there but it is too long to be copied down. The checklist showed a variety of birds ranging from local to migratory, some are rarely seen. I wish to get to see as many flora and fauna to feed my greed for knowledge. I would like to see the rare creatures and take as many photos of them living in a nature reserve. My flashing camera may blind or startled the creatures haha....but I will remind myself to turn the flash off...If I could remember..Wahahaha....
-Conservationist Saddist...
Lost and Killed... 11:11 am
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Mid Year Examination Over!
Exams are over but new challenges soon surface....If the results are good it's fine if not a life worse than hell will be awarded to you......Exams are never ending so I am just glad that I had passed one....Now awaiting for the results....What a torture......Now it is time to relax and prepare for another upcoming tests and exams......
-Foreseen Saddist...
Lost and Killed... 1:28 am